Truly Customer-Focused Customer
Service Training Programs

Outstanding customer service isn’t just a task; it’s a commitment. It all starts with grasping the essence of genuine customer focus. This transformation requires more than just skills; it necessitates the right attitudes, values and beliefs. Alongside these, confidence and tangible behaviour change naturally follow. Integrity Service® provides customer service training that inspires your team to consistently deliver their best to your customers.


When individuals are propelled by values and a shared organisational purpose, entrusted with accountability for their efforts’ outcomes and acknowledged and rewarded for their contributions, they will consistently provide exceptional value and service to your customers. That’s the essence of being customer-centric. And that’s how you cultivate long-term, loyal customers, leading to sustained and superior growth over time.

Integrity Service® is a comprehensive customer service training process crafted to guide individuals in comprehending the essence of becoming a genuinely customer-focused organisation.

Participants in Integrity Service® gain enhanced abilities to recognise and cater to both internal and external customers, concentrate on their job purpose as opposed to mere job functions and grasp how attitudes, motives, and values shape the perception of service.

Effective customer service training must cultivate more than just skills because being customer-focused extends beyond actions; it involves attitudes, values, and beliefs. We assist your team in redirecting their focus from job functions to job purposes, fostering the behaviours and confidence needed to truly prioritise customers.

Our holistic approach to customer service training forges teams with a shared passion to collaborate as problem-solvers, motivated by a sincere desire to understand needs, advocate for the customer and create value. The outcome is a sustained elevation in customer satisfaction scores and retention rates, coupled with a highly engaged team that takes pride in their work.


how we achieve results

Employing Blended Learning for Sustainable Outcomes, the program utilises online social interaction, video-based learning, gamification and accountability, leveraging cloud-based digital learning advancements. Along with Integrity Solutions’ facilitator-led behaviour-change process, the program significantly enhances your team’s performance and results.

The learning approach of Integrity Service® commences with pre-work on the Integrity Solutions digital platform, followed by an initial workshop, conducted either as a live virtual session or in-person. Subsequent eight-weekly structured follow-up calls instill accountability for application, involving managers in modelling and coaching the desired behaviours.


Our Integrity Service® training program is personalised to address the unique requirements of the key industries we serve.

We grasp the intricacies of your challenges and clientele, speaking your language fluently. Collaborating closely with you, we ensure the delivery of the desired business impact.

At Integrity Solutions we have experience with customised programs for Banking, Call Centres, Healthcare, Banks, Energy, Agriculture and Pharmaceutical Sales among many industries. Click to view Client Testimonials.