Integrity in Your Inbox Edition 1

You know, those of us in sales roles are facing unique challenges in this digital age. Indeed, we are in a highly commoditised age and, in some quarters, we’re hearing that sales is a ‘dead profession’. 

 “Just let the online tools handle our sales!”

 For sure, there is some truth in this. Many transactional sales have been reduced to the internet. Sales and communication skills are being lost in a rush to data.

 But, for many of us, the need to communicate with our customers, truly understand their needs and wants and deliver value to them has never been more acute. Particularly now as selling becomes more complex.

 And, for our leaders, having the skill and will to coach your people in this changing world is no longer a ‘nice to have’ – it’s key to success, attraction and retention.

 Our goal is to share relevant information, resources and tools that will help you and your people build strong customer relationship and grow your revenues, without having to be someone they’re not.

Welcome aboard.

Bob McCarthy

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