integrity coaching

Maximise the potential in your people

All too often, coaching for sales managers is considered a discretionary, individual matter rather than an organisational priority in most companies. Our research reveals:

  • 50% of firms offer no training for managers in coaching.
  • 63% of companies lack a defined coaching definition, leaving managers to interpret it on their own.
  • Only 36% state that coaching is a priority for senior leadership.
  • 55% assert that managers don’t know how to coach, mainly because they’re not developed as coaches.

It’s no surprise, then, that many sales managers claim they have “no time for coaching.” In reality, what they’re expressing is a lack of confidence, tools, process, or support for coaching.

Consequently, they succumb to the urgency of immediate tasks, diverting attention from strategically important matters.

Transform your managers’ mindset from being “mistake catchers” and “problem solvers” to coaching leaders who instill confidence, a sense of ownership and unlock the full potential of their teams.

Integrity Coaching® empowers managers to elevate their leadership, maximising the potential of every team member. Employees will discover more in themselves and senior leaders will redefine their roles, delegating more and freeing up time for strategic priorities.

Integrity Coaching® is a methodical, disciplined approach that provides your leaders with the SKILLS to coach with integrity, adapting to various situations and styles and the MINDSET to integrate coaching as a natural, consistent habit. Empower your team to enhance performance throughout the entire organization.

Through coaching for sales managers, you will cultivate leaders who:

  • Prioritise the development of their people as their foremost responsibility.
  • Take ownership and dedicate regular time for coaching.
  • Recognise and nurture the full potential in their team members.
  • Pose questions to comprehend without immediately resorting to problem-solving.
  • Reinforce training to embed enduring behaviours.

Your team will gain confidence to address more challenges independently, arrive each day with a greater sense of purpose, overcome self-limiting beliefs, establish clear goals, hold themselves accountable, achieve more and remain loyal for an extended duration.



Many sales leaders excel at handling what’s urgent and pressing. However, exceptional leaders recognise the difference between managing and coaching, consistently guiding their teams to surpass levels of achievement they might not have thought possible. When leaders adeptly balance both management and coaching, there’s a resilient and consistent performance during both favourable and challenging times.

Instilling a coaching mindset in your sales leaders enhances engagement, accountability, retention and ultimately, boosts sales performance.

Integrity Coaching® provides the SKILLS to coach with integrity and nuance for various situations and styles, coupled with the WILL to make coaching a natural habit.

how we achieve results

Our integrated learning initiative incorporates fundamental principles from Integrity Coaching®. Through a dynamic, interactive, engaging and self-paced environment, this program prepares managers for success using a series of videos, activities, quizzes and online interactions with colleagues.

Integrity Coaching® for sales managers is designed to reshape mindsets within your organisation, fostering new leadership behaviours. It emphasises the belief that a leader’s primary focus is coaching the next tier of leadership, engaging individuals in the mission, cultivating confidence and commitment to strive for more and establishing enduring learning cultures.


Our Integrity Coaching® for sales managers training program is personalised to address the unique requirements of the key industries we serve.

We grasp the intricacies of your challenges and clientele, speaking your language fluently. Collaborating closely with you, we ensure the delivery of the desired business impact.

At Integrity Solutions we have experience with customised programs for Banking, Call Centres, Healthcare, Banks and Pharamaceutical Sales among many industries. Click to view our Client Testimonials.