Accelerate your sales performance with Integrity Selling


The next online course starts 19th September 2024

Integrity Solutions’ open enrolment version of Integrity Selling® allows individual salespeople, consultants, advisors and small sales teams to fully experience this industry leading sales training program.

Integrity Selling® is a comprehensive facilitator-led virtual sales training solution that has helped over 3
million sales and service professionals achieve improved sales performance, increased customer loyalty
and professional growth. The sales training program combines engaging digital learning and live facilitator-led instruction
with time-phased real-world application, reinforcement and coaching to elevate skills and results.


Digital Pre-Work

45 minutes
Social interaction combined with video, assessments and activities.

Introductory Virtual Workshop

Two 3.5-Hour Sessions
19th & 26th September
9:00am – 1pm AEST

Group Sustainment Sessions

Eight Weekly 1.5 Hour Sessions
Commencing Thursday 3rd October
9:00am – 10:45am AEST

Virtual Graduation Ceremony

Thursday 21st November

Don’t just take our word for it


"Even though I’ve been the #1 sales person globally for my company over the past year. I felt like I wasn’t digging deep enough to understand my customers and their needs, that’s where the GAP Model™ comes in! During the course, I made a sale that we took from a competitor that brought us 3 additional agents with approximately 15 million in volume. I am also closing in on a large sale that will more than double our company’s market share."


The big sale I recently closed resulted from digging in deeper into (the client’s) behavior style .and making sure I was showing up with respect to her personality style. That sale ended up bringing in eight new agents, increasing market share from 3% to 44%, about $22 million in volume.”


Integrity Selling® was a game changer for me. My selling approach was just to pitch and describe my product to a customer. Now using the Integrity Selling® approach. I’m much more focused on the customer and their challenges and needs. As a result my hit rate on cold calls has increased a lot. In fact one prospect (now a customer) said after we had a good conversation ‘this is one of the best calls that I’ve ever had’.”


“I was hesitant to really throw myself into sales as I didn’t want to become that sleazy image of a sales person. Integrity Selling® has helped to change view of selling to be more aligned with my values. My confidence has increased and I recently won a new deal with a customer who he was able to switch to (my company) after only four months with a competitor…which was previously unheard of.”

Blended Learning For Sustained Results

We have integrated our facilitator-led workshops and coaching sessions with online social interaction, video based learning, gamification and accountability activities to give you:

1.     An agile, proven conversation framework (AID,Inc.®) to help you confidently achieve better outcomes from every customer call.

2.    A Behaviour Styles® model to enable you to more effectively understand and align with each customer.

3.    Coaching on the attitudes and beliefs that will either accelerate or slow down your sales career.

4.    Improved confidence through nine weekly 90-minute sustainment sessions that emphasise reinforcement, coaching and real-world application.

5.    A flexible and simple questioning model to help you create higher levels of value for your customers and differentiate you from your competitors. 


Leave your details below and our coordinator will contact you to discuss your enrolment into our Sales Training Program.

Our Valued Clients

Register for this industry leading sales training now.

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You Can’t Teach People to Sell by Teaching People to Sell

Exploding the Myths of Why
Salespeople Succeed or Fail